This animation represents a woman dancing reggaeton with herself, as a gesture of self love.
It's is intended to be synchronized to any song of the genre. Model: Larissa Pagán.
This collection´s purpose is to transform pieces of music, cinema and culture into animations
and make compositions with their frames that can be turn into posters, and graphic patterns.
HASTA ABAJO. colecction: the frame game / animation / textile design / personal project
This animation represents a woman dancing reggaeton with herself, as a gesture of self love.
It's is intended to be synchronized to any song of the genre. Model: Larissa Pagán.
This collection´s purpose is to transform pieces of music, cinema and culture into animations
and make compositions with their frames that can be turn into posters, and graphic patterns.
HASTA ABAJO. colecction: the frame game / animation / textile design / personal project